Resep Tempe Bacem
- Serves: 2 orang
- Prep Time: 10 menit
- Total Time: 1 jam 10 menit
- 3 - 5 lembar daun salam (cuci bersih)
- 1cm laos (kupas - cuci - keprek)
- 4 siung bawang putih (haluskan)
- 3 sdm gula jawa (sesuai selera)
- 1 papan tempe (potong2 sesuai selera)
- Air / lebih sedap pakai air kelapa untuk merebus
- Garam & gula secukupnya
- 1cm asam (larutkan dengan air)
1. Rebus air di panci (ukuran pancinya yang kira2 bisa masuk untuk 1 tempe), ketika air mendidih, kecilkan api (api sedang) masukkan daun salam, potongan laos, bawang putih, gula jawa, air asam jawa & tempe. Tambahkan garam & gula putih. Rebus selama kurang lebih 1 jam. Aduk-aduk setiap 15 menit.2. Ketika air sudah habis, angkat, sisihkan.
3. Jika mau lebih sehat, bisa dimakan begitu saja. Tetapi, jika mau digoreng juga boleh.
- 3 - 5 bay leaves
- 1cm galangal (crushed)
- 4 garlic (crushed)
- 3tbp palm sugar
- 1 block of tempeh
- 3 cups of coconut water or water
- salt & sugar (to taste)
- 1 cm tamarind (disolve in 3 tbp of water)
1. Boil coconut water / water.
2. When the coconut water / water is boiling, add the tempeh and reduce the heat to medium heat.
3. Add bay leaves, galangal, garlic, palm sugar, tamarind liquid. Add salt & sugar to taste.
4. Boil for about 1 hour or until the liquid is gone. Stir every 15 minutes.
5. The tempe bacem can be eaten as it is or you can fried them and serve them with belacan chilli.
2. When the coconut water / water is boiling, add the tempeh and reduce the heat to medium heat.
3. Add bay leaves, galangal, garlic, palm sugar, tamarind liquid. Add salt & sugar to taste.
4. Boil for about 1 hour or until the liquid is gone. Stir every 15 minutes.
5. The tempe bacem can be eaten as it is or you can fried them and serve them with belacan chilli.
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